The International Journal of Accounting Symposium 2015

  The International Journal of Accounting Symposium 2015

(TIJA Symposium) was held in Xiamen, China on June 4-7, 2015

Organized by Vernon K. Zimmerman Center for International Education and Research in Accounting at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and hosted by Xiamen University, the TIJA Symposium attracted more than 64 specialists and scholars from Australia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mainland of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, New Zealand, the Netherlands, UK, and USA. The opening ceremony was held in the morning of June 5 in Xiamen Swiss International Hotel. Chairman of the TIJA Symposium, Director of the V. K. Zimmerman Center at the University of Illinois, Chief Editor of the International Journal of Accounting, Professor Rashad Abdel-Khalik made an opening speech. Professor Jianfa Li, Vice President of Xiamen University; Professor Jianming Ye, Dean, the School of Management of Xiamen University; Professor Xiaohui Qu, Co-chair of the Symposium, Dean, the Institute for Financial and Accounting Studies, Director, the Center for Accounting Studies of Xiamen University,delivered the welcome speech respectively.







The International Journal of Accounting is a quarterly publication established in 1966 at the University of Illinois by the late Professor Vernon K. Zimmerman. The aims of The International Journal of Accounting are to advance the academic and professional understanding of accounting theory and practice from an international perspective and viewpoint. The journal recognizes that international accounting is influenced by a variety of forces i.e. governmental, political and economic.




Characterized by in-depth discussion of the papers, the TIJA Symposium selected only 7 academic papers, among more than 50 submissions, for presentation and discussion on this symposium. The topics covered such hot research areas as policy and regulation related accounting issues, corporate governance, earnings management, dividend policy, and capital cost and etc. Renowned scholars and journal editors actively involved in the discussion. Their critical comments and suggestions are very helpful in changing academic ideas and help the paper authors to improve their paper. The panel discussion by practitioner and scholars from China, Japan and Korea also provided the participants their professional insights of IFRS adoption in Asia.



The synthesis made by Professor Bharat Sarath from Rutgers University, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, highly valued the papers and the discussion. He also provided his suggestions to the authors for further improvement.




The TIJA Symposium is highly appraised by the participants. It not only provided an excellent platform for international accounting cutting-edge researchers to improve the quality of their working papers, but more importantly, it also provided a good opportunity to further understand the current accounting theory and practice in different research areas and economic regions, and inspire the participants thinking about their further research.


At the end, the TIJA Symposium awarded Professor Xiaohui Qu a plaque in honor of her outstanding contributions to the accounting education and accounting profession, which was delivered by Professor Rashad Abdel-Khalik, Chairman of the Symposium.



 It was announced that 2016 TIJA Symposium will be held in Roma, Italy.