In order to strengthen the connotative development of education in accounting major, improve the quality of talent training, promote the education of accounting major in colleges to meet the needs of reform and development of economic society, summarize and exchange the substantial achievements of theory and practice in accounting, the 2015 annual meeting of accounting education professional committee of ASC and the eighth Deans Forum of Accounting Department will be held in Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University from August 22 to 23, 2015.
The theme of this annual meeting and forum is “Research on the Problem of Accounting Teaching Reform and Practice”. According to the author’s situation, the topics of papers can be combined with the thesis as listed follows:
1. The ethics of accounting education and values research
2. The reform of accounting education in internet and big data era
3. Research on the reform theory and practice of accounting education
4. Research on training of academic graduate of accounting and MPAcc
5. Research on the internationalization of accounting education
1. Format: Paper submitted to the forum should include: tile, author’s name, work units, abstracts, keywords (three to five), main body, references and so on. The format of literature citing should adherence to the Journal of Accounting Research (in Chinese).
2. Form: Manuscript should be submitted to conference affairs by E-mail. Please indicate the email subject by “Call for Papers: Author’s name-Paper’s Title”
3. Deadline: June 30,2015/10/12
4. Paper submitted to the forum should be the unpublished original research. If you do not receive the response by conference affair, please contact to the conference affair to confirm that your paper have been received.
5. Accepted paper will be published on the website of ASC. At the same time it will be included in the conference Proceedings and the Full-text Database of China important dissertations published by Chinese Academic Journals (cd-rom version)
Contact Information
1. Email address:
2. Contact information of Conference affair:
Address: High-tech region of Daqing, Heilongjiang, School of Accounting, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University
Zip code:163319
Linkman: Lili Zhang Telephone Number: 0459-6819267 Mobile Phone:13904696158
Shulan Dong Telephone Number: 0459-6819266 Mobile Phone: 13836962990
3. Contact information of ASC:
Linkman: Guohua Chi Mobile Phone:13478502866
Accounting Education Professional Committee of ASC
Heilongjiang Bayi Agriculture University