318th Seminar

Topic/题目:Utilizing WRDS and S&P Compustat Data to Conduct Empirical Research in Finance(如何有效利用WRDS平台及Compustat数据库进行金融实证研究)

Speaker/报告人:Erica Zhang(张霞), Leon Leng(冷吉亮)

Time/时间:2024.03.14(周四) 10:00-11:30

Venue/地点:Room 501, Jiageng Building 2/嘉庚二号楼501教室

[About WRDS]

Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) provides the leading business intelligence, data analytics, and research platform to global institutions—enabling historical analysis and insight into the latest innovations in academic research. Partnering with global vendors, WRDS hosts 350+TB of data across multiple disciplines including Accounting, Banking, Economics, ESG, Finance, Healthcare, Statistics and etc — the broadest collection of data on the most robust computing infrastructure to give users the power to analyze complex information.

[About S&P Compustat]

S&P Compustat Financials provides standardized North American and global financial statements and market data for over 80,000 active and inactive publicly traded companies that financial professionals have relied on for over 50 years. Compustat allows investment professionals, academic researchers, and industry analysts to combine deep history with robust and consistent data standardization into their research and backtesting to produce valuable insights and generate alpha. With historical data for North America as far back as 1950 and point-in-time snapshots beginning in 1987, Compustat provides you with insight into company financial performance across many different economic cycles not available anywhere else.


This training will give you an overview of the WRDS platform including its main functions, account registration, data sourcing, ways to use WRDS, self-learning tools, and support. In addition, the speaker will share with you the commonly used research data on WRDS, for example S&P Compustat and CRSP, and live demonstrate how to use Web Query and SAS Studio to download data from WRDS. This training will also review in depth about S&P Compustat data contents and data structures.



Compustat是S&P Global旗下一个全面的财务数据库,收录公司的营运及财务状况资料。数据库涵盖130多个国家,超过 92,000上市/已退市公司,超过 113,343只证券,占全球市值97%以上。




About the Speaker/报告人简介】

Erica Zhang, WRDS Associate Director Client Development – APAC

Erica joined WRDS in early 2018 as part of the Sales & Marketing team. She’s based in Shanghai, China, managing the local business development, support and trainings for APAC institutions. Prior to joining WRDS, Erica worked as a Credit Risk Analyst at Goldman Sachs US for 2 years. Erica holds a Master of Science degree in Business Analytics from University of Southern California and a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from Indiana University Bloomington.

张霞(Erica Zhang),沃顿研究数据中心(Wharton Research Data Services)亚太区客户拓展副总监。她于2018年加入WRDS,负责WRDS在亚太区的业务推广及产品培训工作。加入WRDS前,她曾在美国高盛信用风险部门担任分析员。她拥有美国南加州大学商业分析硕士学位及美国印第安纳大学金融学士学位。

Leon Leng, S&P Global Account Director

Leon Leng is Account Director for S&P Global Market Intelligence, he is responsible for all existing relationships across all products and services within the Market Intelligence division, working closely with Academia, Miming Corporation and Government in Mainland China region. In his previous role, Leon was Account Manager for the Market Intelligence business working with Investment Bank and Fund of North China. Leon graduated from Tongji University, and worked in domestic fund before he joined S&P Global in 2016.

冷吉亮(Leon Leng), 标普全球市场财智(S&P Global Market Intelligence)客户关系总监,2016年加入标普全球,目前负责全国学术类,大型企业,政府类客户关系维护和商务合作,曾在标普负责北方投行,基金公司,金融资讯机构客户合作,加入标普前层任职国内基金公司商务经理。