Time/时间:11月3日(周五) 10:00-11:30
Topic/题目: The Effect of the Switch to the Expected Credit Loss Model for Loan Loss Provisioning on Cross-border Borrowing
Speaker/报告人:Jeffrey Ng教授
Abstract/摘要:The switch from the incurred credit loss model to the expected credit loss model under IFRS 9 required banks to more closely monitor their borrowers to record expected loan losses in a timelier manner. This switch is widely expected to reduce banks’ lending capacity, particularly due to the requirement to record expected loan losses at loan inception. Using a difference-in-differences analysis of syndicated loans in 62 countries, we find that after a country adopts IFRS 9, borrowers in that country increase their cross-border borrowing from banks in non-IFRS 9-adopting countries. This increase is highest in countries with a large decrease in domestic bank credit after IFRS 9 adoption, consistent with the domestic credit supply reduction making some borrowers turn to foreign lenders. The increase is also concentrated among borrowers experiencing large increases in domestic bank monitoring after IFRS 9 adoption, consistent with an increase in such monitoring making some borrowers turn to foreign lenders. It is also more pronounced in countries where banks’ loan loss provisions are more likely to increase after IFRS 9 adoption and among borrowers with a higher propensity to engage in cross-border borrowing. Our study provides the novel insight that differences in accounting standards across countries can affect cross-border bank financing.
About the Speaker/报告人简介:Jeffrey Ng教授现就职于香港大学经管学院,其研究生就读于南洋理工大学,以一等荣誉硕士学位毕业,随后在宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院攻读并获得博士学位。他曾在美国麻省理工大学斯隆商学院任职助理教授,新加坡管理大学任职副教授,香港理工大学任职教授。其研究领域包括会计实务,公司金融学、银行学等领域。曾在《Journal of Accounting Research》《Journal of Accounting and Economics》《The Accounting Review》《Review of Accounting Studies》《Contemporary Accounting Research》《Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis》《Management Science》等顶级期刊发表文章。