286th Seminar

Time/时间:2022.09. 30 10:00 11:30 am

Topic/题目:Impact of national culture on the severity of the COVID‑19 pandemic.

Online Conference ID/腾讯会议号::360-106-202

Speaker/报告人:Mohammad Islam Biswas

Facilitator/主持人: Professor Yasheng Chen

Abstract/摘要:This study examines how cultural differences can affect the transmission of COVID-19 in different countries. From a sample of 92 countries, we used cross-country data based on Hofstede's cultural dimensions to investigate the impact of culture on COVID-19 transmission. We found a significant impact of culture on the spread of COVID-19. Specifically, this study reveals that individualism, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance have a positive impact on confirmed COVID-19 cases. The relationships between cultural differences and the total number of COVID-19 deaths were also positive. This study provides valuable insights into the influences that national culture could have on the effectiveness of responses to a similar global pandemic situation in the future.

About the Speaker/报告人简介:Mohammad Islam Biswas is a PhD student in accounting at Institute for Financial & Accounting Studies (2019 grade). His research activities focus on management accounting (e.g., performance measurement, and job behavior); national culture; application of AI in accounting decision-making; and business operations. He uses psychology, and economic theory, and applies lab and field experiments, archival data analysis, and natural language processing to test his empirical predictions. He has published articles in international journal of emerging markets, current psychology and sustainability.