English Talk 5

Time: 7:00-8:30pm, Nov. 10, 2008 (Monday)


Venue: Room 501, Jiageng Building 2


Presenter: Dr. Juan Yao, Lecturer, University of Sydney


Topics: 1. Merger Arbitrage (MA) is one of the principle investment strategies adopted by many hedge funds as well as some well-known investors such as Warren Buffet.  There is anecdotal evidence that MA has produced spectacularly high returns in the last few decades. This talk will introduce the history and practice of MA, and in particular to analyse the risk and return characteristics of MA by using real examples. Under current financial market turmoil, it would be both interesting and valuable to re-examine this strategy as the MA portfolios are usually considered to be “market risk neutral”.


            2.Introduction to PhD program at University of Sydney