OUTSTANDING ALUMNI | Albert Kwame Mensah amongst P&Q’s 40 Under 40 MBA Professors for 2023


Albert Kwame Mensah 2013至2015年间在厦门大学财务管理与会计研究院(IFAS)攻读会计学硕士学位。2019年,在取得香港城市大学博士学位后,因优异表现先后收到多个国际知名大学的工作邀请。他最终接受并受聘于法国巴黎高等商学院(HEC Paris),任职助理教授。近日,Albert入选2023年Poets & Quants “全球前40位40岁以下商学院教授”名录。

Albert Kwame Mensah was one of the international master students at IFAS from 2013 to 2015 who majored in accounting. Albert received several offers from world-famous universities after obtaining his doctoral degree from the City University of Hong Kong in 2019. He finally accepted the offer from HEC Paris as an Assistant Professor of Accounting and Management Control. Albert has recently been named amongst Poets & Quant’s 40 Under 40 Best MBA Professors for 2023.

Poets & Quants成立于2010年,是专注于全球商学院和MBA教育报道的专业媒体。该媒体每年都会发布这一名录,名录候选人须由所在商学院的管理者、教授、学生、校友等提名方可参与评选。入选这一名录的均为40岁以下MBA教授,他们“善于教学,勤于研究,对商业和政策以及所在领域有积极影响。”

Founded in 2010, P&Q is widely regarded as one of the world’s top sources for in-depth reports and information on global business schools and MBA education. The 40 Under 40 list is compiled annually from nominations submitted by business students, faculty, alumni, and administrators around the world. The award is given each year to MBA professors under the age of 40 who are “masters in the classrooms, who influence business and policy, who are prolific researchers, and who have demonstrated meaningful impact on their fields.”

Albert的研究关注于公司强制性报告以及披露政策如何影响资本市场参与者的决策行为,反腐败法规如何影响公司及官员的行为,资本市场参与者如何利用其他财务数据,以及激进卖空者如何塑造资本市场。他在财务和管理会计方面有近二十年的课堂和实务经验。他是Aloes Tree EdTech 有限公司的董事会成员,也是加纳科技创业公司——GSGBS有限公司的创始人和总经理。

In Albert’s research, he investigates how firms’ mandatory reporting and/or disclosure policies affect the decision-making behavior of capital market participants. He also studies how anti-corruption laws that seek to limit the influence of money in politics affect the behavior of firms and politicians, how capital market participants are making use of alternative sources of financial data, and how activist short sellers are shaping capital markets. He has almost two decades of experience in financial and managerial accounting, both in the classroom and in the industry. He sits on the board of Aloes Tree EdTech Ltd. and is the founder and managing director of a Ghanaian tech-based startup, GSGBS Co. Ltd.

“我很感激能有机会在世界领先的商学院之一讲授MBA课程并进行研究。在我人生旅程中,曾遇到许多重要的人,是他们使这一切成为可能。从童年时代,到学术研究,再到现在来到HEC,我想对我的家人、朋友、导师、同事和赞助人说一声“谢谢”,非常感谢他们的支持和帮助!” 他说。

“I’m grateful for…the opportunity to teach on the MBA and to conduct research at one of the world’s leading business schools. This was made possible by the many who have played such important roles in my journey thus far.  From my childhood days, through to my academic studies and then to my present time here at HEC, I want to say a big “thank you” to my family, friends, mentors, senior colleagues and sponsors for their respective roles and support. ” he says.

IFAS作为国际化的大家庭,欢迎有志于提高专业能力,精进学术的国内外申请者。Albert Kwame Mensah作为我院优秀毕业生的代表之一,追逐自己的学术梦想,足迹遍布大半地球,他的成就是我院研究生培养质量的最好证明 (Albert早些时候向我们表示,他在IFAS接受的研究培训对他的博士研究有很大的帮助)。他的事迹,也极大激励了在读硕士生:既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程。要记住,IFAS始终在你身后,请张开翅膀,勇敢逐梦!

As an international family, IFAS welcomes domestic and foreign applicants who are interested in improving their professional competence and academic capacity. As one of the outstanding graduates of our school, Albert Kwame Mensah pursues his academic dreams and leaves his footprints in more than half of the world. Albert’s achievements are a testament to the quality of his postgraduate training, including his pre-doctoral training received here at IFAS (Albert has earlier indicated to us that the research training he received at IFAS helped tremendously in his doctoral studies). His deeds have also greatly inspired the master students at IFAS: Once you set a goal, make every endeavor to achieve it. Keep in mind that IFAS is always behind you, please open your wings and chase your dream bravely.

For more information/更多信息请见:https://poetsandquants.com/2023/06/05/2023-best-40-under-40-mba-professors-albert-kwame-mensah-hec-paris/?pq-category=2023&pq-category-2=40-under-40