
In the 21st century, the females have been fighting for gender balance and equal rights between the males and females. However, this does not imply that they undermine or forget the magical wisp that boys bring into their lives. Without the presence of men, the reality is that this world would have been a boring and incomplete place to survive in.


September 2016, was a start of a great adventure anticipated to create a strong bond between Chinese students and international students from 4 different continents. The adventure is not just meant to last for two years but hopefully the friendships created will last for a lifetime. Bringing students from different cultures to work together in a friendly and welcoming environment is not easy because our values and beliefs are different. However, we easily overcame this obstacle because of our most valuable asset: the unique and special love we have for each other.


What better way to show this than to celebrate with our boys on 10 November, which was the Boys’ Day. Our girls secretly planned and organized a surprise mini-party to celebrate with the boys. A big thanks to the girls for sacrificing their time, money and resources to make this day a total success. Special mention goes to the Chinese girls for organizing and customizing the special treats for the boys. Those chocolates were awesome!

An announcement was sent on the class’ WeChat group informing everyone about an important urgent meeting to be held on Thursday 10 November at 1530. The boys were all wondering what the meeting was all about. I give special credit to the girls and would recommend some of them to join Hollywood because of how surprised they acted too when they heard of the announcement of the ‘urgent meeting’.

At 1530 everyone was gathered in the class and the boys were really amused and overwhelmed because of what the girls had done for them. We wished them all the best and most beautiful things life has to offer, more blessings and joyous prosperous years to come for them. We had lots of fun together and the boys competed against each other in some exciting games. This made us discover something about our boys; they are clever both in and outside class…  

A party is not a party without lifting up the spirits with some good music and dancing. Yet again we unveiled some more talents from our mates. Their dancing skills are on a high level. Everyone was on their feet dancing to African music, Asian music, American music, Middle East music as well as European music. On a normal good day, you would never perceive some people to be good dancers but on this special day, the tables were turned.

Finally, after spending a good few hours together, we had to call it a day. This was just one of the many great things we will do together as a team. Special thanks to everyone for attending and supporting each other all the way!!!