A few months ago we celebrated the Boys’ Day which was quite a memorable event, all thanks to the amazing girls. However, the tables had turned this semester- 7 March was Girls’ Day and it was time for the boys to reciprocate the gesture. To be honest, with all the pressure from assignments, presentations and lectures we have this semester, it almost seemed to far-fetched to celebrate this special day together. Being the considerate and understanding phenomenal ladies that they are, the ladies were not expecting anything extraordinary on this day.
It was until a few days prior to the 7th that the ladies saw and overheard the boys talking about the Girls’ Day that’s when they knew that the cat was out of the bag! At least they were sure of one thing, the boys were planning something but the million-dollar question was- what were they planning? Finally, the big day arrived and Prince made an announcement after the Financial Accounting class that all students were supposed to come back for an important class meeting at 1230. The announcement did not really take the ladies by surprise because they knew it was Girls’ Day so something fishy was going on (and besides boys are not so good at keeping such secrets) …
The event started off on a very good note with a warm welcome from Prince and Shawn who reminded everyone the purpose of the gathering. Firstly, we watched a video which the boys compiled for the girls to wish them a beautiful Girls’ Day. Truth be told, the video was exceptional, not because of the boys’ handsome faces or their sweet poetic words but it was the thought and effort that made the difference. Some parts of the video were really hilarious and other parts were really emotional but overall, the whole idea was fantastic! As a way of making everyone feel relaxed, the girls started talking about themselves, where they come from, about their families, their likes and dislikes and lastly their goals for the future. As usual, such events expose us to the things we didn’t know about each other. On this day we discovered that one of the things that a lot of the girls said they liked most was sleeping! After this the girls played different types of games in groups which was quite fun.
During the course of the event, the girls were being spoilt with lots of assorted chocolates and sweets. It was as if it was Valentine’s Day all over again. We were very fortunate on this day to have Andrea and her husband celebrating this occasion with us. With the music on, they entertained us with some really good Salsa and everyone cheered them as they danced gracefully.
Just when we were about to call it a day, the boys gave the ladies the best surprise ever! Each lady was given a uniquely customized USB. The USB was special and inside of it, the boys had put the video they had created to wish the ladies a Happy Girls’ Day! Even after graduating and going our separate ways, this is a souvenir the ladies will go with forever and it will always remind them of their beautiful loving IFAS Dept. family! A big thank you to all the handsome gentleman for making this day awesome- special mention goes to Shawn for being the movie producer.

Finally, here’s to all the gorgeous ladies in IFAS,
The ladies who have dared to dream big ever since they were little girls,
Still on the path to greatness.
For the diversity and talents that lie within the feminine heart,
For the courage and determination that prevents us from falling apart,
Ladies, stand up and be counted,
Smile at how far you have come,
Cherish every single day as a mother, daughter, sister, friend, companion and as a Queen!
Don’t let anyone tell you that there are set paths for you to follow.
As a little girl with a passion, is an inspiring lady and leader of tomorrow.
So to all the lovely, beautiful and phenomenal strong ladies,
May we know them,
May we be them
And may we raise them!