IFAS nominated and sponsored a PhD student to attend the 2017 MIT Asia Conference in Accounting Doctoral Consortium



The MIT Asia Conference in Accounting was held from July 16th to 18th, 2017 in Hangzhou, China, which was sponsored by the School of Management, Xiamen University and jointly organized by MIT Sloan School of Management and Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Jianming Ye, the dean of the School of Management and the dean of the Institute for Financial and Accounting Studies (IFAS), Xiamen University, made an opening speech. Professor Ray Ball from the University of Chicago, the past Senior Editor of The Accounting Review Professor Mark Defond, Professor T.J. Wong from the University of Southern California, Professor Joanna Wu from Simon Business School University of Rochester, Professor Feng Li from Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF),  Professor Bin Ke from National University of Singapore, Professor Charles Hsu from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Professor Luo Zuo from Cornell University and other international top scholars attended the conference. The MIT Asia Conference in Accounting aims to bring together academics and practitioners of accounting and corporate governance in the Asia-Pacific region with leading scholars from the United States, Europe, and elsewhere to develop relevant research in the field of accounting.


The Doctoral Consortium includes two sections, a one-day doctoral consortium on July 16th and a two-day conference from July 17th to 18th. The Institute for Financial and Accounting Studies (IFAS) nominated and sponsored Ying Li, a second-year doctoral student, to attend the Consortium. The keynote speakers in the consortium were Professor Ray Ball and Professor Mark DeFond. The Consortium provides an opportunity for doctoral students in accounting to have a face-to-face discussion with renowned international scholars. 


The conference discussed the current issues of market regulators including managers, investors, policymakers, auditors and analysts. Meetings covered China issues, capital markets, innovation and intangible assets, disclosure, corporate governance, auditing, politics, banking and debt contracts, reporting quality and comparability. It is worth mentioning that the conference committee added a new session this year - the Chinese study, which was a new attempt, said by T. J. Wong. 


Ying said: "It is my great pleasure to have attended the 2017 MIT Asia Conference in Accounting Doctoral Consortium, which provides a valuable opportunity to learn from leading scholars and to benefit from approaching the forefront of academic thoughts. I would like to hereby express to the IFAS my heartfelt thanks for sponsoring me to attend the consortium!"

In order to broaden international horizons and develop the academic communication skills of doctoral students, the dean of the institute, Jianming Ye, said that we would continue to nominate and sponsor outstanding doctoral students to attend the MIT Asia Conference in Accounting Doctoral Consortium next year.

Institute for Financial and Accounting Studies