Title: Assistant Professor

Office: Room 511-1, CHENGFENG BLDG

Tel: +86-592-2187359


Wanyun Li is an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Financial & Accounting Studies, Xiamen University. She received her Ph.D. from the Australian National University. Her research interests include social media data analytics, accounting information systems and capital markets. Her work has appeared in Information and Management, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Communications of the Association for Information Systems and other journals.
  • Commerce, The Australian National University (2018-2022)
  • Master of Commence – Accounting, The Australian National University (2015-2016)
  • Bachelor of Science – Mathematical Finance, The Australian National University (2012-2014)
  • 2022.9 – Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
  • Assistant Professor of Accounting

    Financial accounting,Big data and data analytics,Accounting information system,Financial technology (FinTech)

    1. Li, W., Phang, S. Y., Choi, K. W., & Ho, S. Y. (2021) “The Strategic Role of CIOs in the Digital
    Economy: Information Technology Control Weaknesses and CIO Turnover”,
    Information & Management. (ABDC: A*)
    2. Li, W., Choi, K. W., & Ho, S. Y. (2020) “Understanding the Whistle-Blowing Intention to Report Breach
    of Confidentiality,”
    Communications of the Association for Information Systems (47): 72–94. (ABDC: A)
    3. Li, W., Phang, S. Y., & Ho, S. Y. (2019) “CEO/CFO Turnover and Subsequent Remediation of
    Information Technology Material Weaknesses,”
    Accounting & Finance (59): 2553–2577. (ABDC: A)

    1. Li, W. “The Disclosure of ICMWs and Optimism in Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts”, International Journal
    of Accounting Information Systems, revise and resubmit. (ABDC: A)
    2. Li, W., Choi, K. W., Ho, S. Y., & Wilson, M. “Non-professional Investor Sentiment and Management
    Earnings Guidance”, European Accounting Review, revise and resubmit. (ABDC: A*)

    1. Crowdsourced earnings forecasts: Implications for sell-side analysts’ earnings forecasts strategy
    2. Social network discussion tree and management earnings guidance


    CV-Wanyun Li Sep 2022.pdf