Topic/题目: Mastering World Class Research
Speaker/报告人:Rahat Munir教授(澳大利亚麦考瑞大学)
Research plays a vital role in shaping the future of any academic institution, and its success is largely dependent on how well it is conducted. This masterclass will cover several key points on how to conduct high-quality research that can be published in top-tier journals, and will focus on several elements that are critical to achieving high research performance:
•Research culture, values, and leadership: An academic institution should provide training and mentorship programs to develop staff while offering rewards for strong performance.
•Clear research strategies: It is essential to have a clear and concise research strategy that is owned by the institution and not just a written document.
•Strategy for pipeline funding: A good research strategy should also include a plan for securing funding to support ongoing research projects
•Organic collaboration: Encourage collaboration and build networks to enable researchers to work together seamlessly.
•Focus on research impact: It is essential to focus on the impact, integration, and application of research to ensure that it creates meaningful change in the world.
The masterclass is suitable for faculty, doctoral students and students pursuing research degrees in the future.
About the Speaker/报告人简介:
Professor Rahat Munir is the Head of Department of Accounting and Corporate Governance, Macquarie University. He is FCA (Chartered Accountants Australian & New Zealand), FCPA (Certified Practising Accountant Australia) and PhD (Macquarie University, Sydney). With his extensive experience in administration and leadership, both corporate and academic, Professor Munir is recognised for his engagement with industry and academia and has been at the forefront of leading development and change initiatives. He is also forensic accounting specialist with financial crime investigative skills to analyse financial information for a court of law.
He is internationally renowned for curriculum development, pioneering innovative learning and teaching (L&T) practices and academic standards & accreditation. Since his appointment as Head, Professor Munir has been responsible for academic leadership of the Department and maintaining strong ongoing relationships with external stakeholders, including professional associations, universities and communities - Universities in China, Southeast Asia, South Asia and Europe. He has served on the panel for Faculty/Course Reviews of various Universities in Australia and New Zealand. With his strong engagement with industry, he leads CFO Forum, Industry Academic Series, Thought Leadership and Business Leaders Roundtables.
He has written over 100 peer reviewed journal articles, conference papers, books, book chapters, monographs and commissioned reports, and over 50 publications for professional and lay audiences. Although the bulk of his research focuses on management accounting and controls, he has also published in important cognate areas such as education, CSR, corporate governance, corporate culture and research expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Professor Munir has delivered scores of invited/keynote presentations and his expert opinions has been featured in radio, television, newspapers, newsletters, and web outlets. He has considerable experience in supervising Master of Research, M. Phil and Ph.D. students.
He is affiliated with several professional bodies including the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand, Professional Risk Managers International Association, USA, American Accounting Association, British Accounting Association, Canadian Accounting Association and European Accounting Association. Professor Munir serves on various high-level Committees and Advisory Boards. Professor Munir has also served on the TAFE NSW Higher Education Academic Board. He has served as guest editor and referee/scientific program committee of various international journals, and organised conferences & workshops.
Professor Munir’s sustained excellence in teaching and research has been recognised through international awards, including:
•Two Macquarie University Vice Chancellor’s awards for developing programs and outstanding contributions to student learning,
•Dean’s teaching excellence award,
•Two CPA Australia’s awards for achievement in academia, and
•Business/Higher Education Roundtable Award for excellence in accounting teaching collaborations.
Professor Munir's contribution has also been acknowledged for his projects in 2015 and 2021 for the Wharton-QS Stars Reimagine Education Awards at the University of Pennsylvania in the Nurturing Employability Award category for the most innovative pedagogical approach to learning and teaching. He has served on the judging panel of the Momentum Media and Accountants Daily’s Australian Accounting and Australian Digital Technology, Women in Finance and 30 Under 30 Awards. Professor Munir's case study - The Ethics of Profit in the Australian Retail Industry was amongst the top 4 teaching cases globally by the Decision Sciences Institute, Washington DC for the ‘Best Teaching Case Studies Award’ competition.