我院胡金帅副教授论文被Journal of Corporate Finance接受即将发表

发布时间:2020年01月03日 点击数:

近日,厦门大学财务管理与会计研究院副院长、副教授胡金帅以第一作者,与美国圣塔克拉拉大学(Santa Clara UniversitySiqi Li、密西西比州立大学(Mississippi State UniversityAlvaro G. Taboada和澳大利亚昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland三位教授合作撰写的论文“Corporate Board Reforms around the World and Stock Price Crash Risk被国际知名财务学期刊Journal of Corporate Finance接受,即将正式刊出。

Journal of Corporate Finance被SSCI收录为JCR一区,近5年期刊影响因子为3.184。


We examine the impact of corporate board reforms around the world on stock price crash risk. Using a sample of firms in 41 economies that passed major board reforms between 1990 and 2012, we find that board reforms are associated with a significant reduction in crash risk of about 13%. The effect of reforms on crash risk is stronger among firms with more severe ex ante agency problems. Our analysis further suggests that board reforms reduce crash risk by improving financial transparency and enhancing investment efficiency. In sum, our findings are consistent with the notion that board reforms improve board oversight and mitigate agency problems.





胡金帅,厦门大学财务管理与会计研究院副院长、厦门大学QTEM国际硕士联盟事务院长、会计学副教授、博士生导师、注册会计师、2018-2019加州大学尔湾分校访问学者。厦门大学会计学硕士,香港浸会大学会计学博士。研究领域包括国际资本市场会计研究、财务会计、财务报告、公司治理等。主持多项国家、省部级课题,近年来已有7篇学术论文在国际著名期刊Journal of Corporate Finance1篇)Journal of International Accounting Research2篇)、Accounting & Finance1篇)、Journal of International Accounting, Auditing & Taxation2篇)、Emerging Markets Review1篇)发表或接受将发表,另有一篇论文被Journal of Accounting & Economics 2019年会接受、目前在该期刊第四论修改(minor revision评审中。