

Venue/地点:Room 501, Jiageng Building 2/嘉庚二号楼501教室

Topic/题目:Does CEO Early-Life Disasters Experiences Matter for Corporate Innovation Success?


Abstract/摘要We use hand-collected data to examine the relationship between the chief executive officers' (CEOs) early-life disasters experiences and innovation success. We show that firms led by CEOs who witness disasters achieve better innovation outcomes because disasters make CEOs risk-seeking and more failure-tolerant to invest more in R\&D. Offering risk-incentive compensations to CEOs can enhance this effect. By distinguishing innovation effectiveness from R\&D input, our research further suggests that firms led by disaster CEOs have higher efficiency in innovation due to post-traumatic growth. Our study confirms that the association of CEOs' early-life disaster experiences on corporate innovation success is non-monotonic.

About the Speaker/报告人简介吴致霆,博士毕业于圣安德鲁斯大学,现任厦门大学财务管理与会计研究院财务学助理教授。其研究方向包括资产定价,公司金融与宏观金融。研究成果在计量经济学会中国会议,亚太会议,欧洲冬季会议,欧洲夏季会议和非洲会议等知名国际学术会议中报告。