Venue/地点:Room 501, Jiageng Building 2/嘉庚二号楼501教室
Topic/题目: Do business groups make more efficient employment decisions?
Speaker/报告人:Dr. Jie Deng
Abstract/摘要:This paper examines how business group affiliation relates to labor investment efficiency. Specifically, we investigate whether the use of internal factor markets within business groups enhances labor investment efficiency by comparing the labor investment behavior of standalone firms with those of firms affiliated with business groups. We find that group membership is associated with higher labor investment efficiency and mitigates inefficiencies in the form of over- and under-investment. We also find that the efficiency-enhancing effect of group affiliation is more pronounced in countries with more rigid labor markets, less financial development, and poor accounting quality. Overall, our findings suggest that business group affiliation alleviates market imperfections and increases labor investment efficiency.
About the Speaker/报告人简介:Dr. Jie Deng is an Assistant Professor in Accounting at the Institute for Financial and Accounting Studies in Xiamen University. Her research interests include business group and corporate governance.