题目: Effects of Borrower and Lender Ownership Type on Accounting Conservatism
时间: 2009年3月13日(星期五)3:00—4:30PM
地点: 嘉庚二501
参加者: 对会计研究有兴趣的广大师生
主持人: 沈哲老师

We examine the joint effect of borrower (firm) and lender (bank) ownership type on the demand for accounting conservatism for a sample of Chinese firms. We hypothesize that conservatism is stronger for family-owned firms (FOFs) than for state-owned enterprises (SOEs) because lenders are more concerned with downside risk for FOFs than for SOEs. We also hypothesize that firms that borrow from non-state-owned banks (NSBs) adopt more conservative accounting than firms that borrow from state-owned banks (SBs) because NSBs have stronger demand for assurance of sufficient net assets to cover loan repayments than SBs. We find that (1) FOFs that borrow from NSBs are more conservative than FOFs that borrow from SBs, (2) FOFs that borrow from SBs are more conservative than SOEs that borrow from SBs, and (3) FOFs that borrow from NSBs are more conservative than SOEs that borrow from NSBs.
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