题目: Auditor-Client Bonding and Audit Quality: Partner-Level Evidence
演讲者:Dr. Liu Xiaohong,associate professor of accounting,University of Hong Kong
时间: 2009年10月16日(星期五)3:00—4:30PM
地点: 嘉庚二501
参加者: 对会计研究有兴趣的广大师生
主持人: 沈哲老师

In this study, we argue that an increased economic bonding may develop between an audit partner and the clients when the auditor switches to a new audit firm because the auditor!ˉs incremental payoff exected from switching to the new firm (e.g., promotion, larger share of firm profits, more perks, and more authority and peer respect) is often enhanced by the number of clients he can bring to the new firm. The auditor and the client can use audit quality as a bargaining tool to divide the incremental payoff generated from the joint auditor-client switch. We thus hypothesize that the turnover audit partners treat follower clients more favorably (by making less downward audit adjustments to pre-audit earnings or allowing greater discretionary accruals) than they treat other clients around the joint auditor-client switches. Using the data in China where engagement-specific audit partner information is available, we find evidence that supports our hypothesis under the condition that both of the signing auditors for the follower client switch to the same successor firm (or come from the same predecessor firm). Our partner-level evidence is consistent with the widespread concern that audit quality is lower when there is a greater level of auditor-client economic bonding.
Dr. Liu, Xiaohong has worked as an associate professor of accounting at the University of Hong Kong since 2008. She obtained her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees (majoring in public finance) from Shanghai University of Finance & Economics, and her PhD degree (majoring in accounting) from the University of British Columbia. She worked as a lecturer or assistant professor at Shanghai University of Finance & Economics during 1996 – 1997 and HKUST during 2002-2007, and has been a member of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants since 1995. Dr. Liu’s research topics include economics of auditing, incentives in audit partnerships, and financial disclosures. She has published a number of papers in academic journals including the Accounting Review and Contemporary Accounting Research.