题目: Does Voluntary Interim Audit Reduce Agency Costs?
演讲者:Xingqiang Du,Professor of accounting, Xiamen University
时间: 2011年4月29日(星期五)3:00—4:30PM
地点: 嘉庚二501
参加者: 对会计研究有兴趣的广大师生
主持人: 阮军老师
China provides an unique instituation setting to test whether voluntary interim(semi-annual reports) audit (VIA) can reduce agency costs. With a sample of 3652 firm-year from China over the period of 2002-2006, this study evaluates the impact of VIA on agency costs. We find that VIA Firms have a lower expense ratio (higher assets utilization ratio) as a positive(negative)proxy for agency costs between managers and shareholders, and a lower probability(a less amount) of cash embezzlement as a proxy for agency costs between control shareholedr and minority shareholders. Overall, VIA does reduce agency costs after controlling for potential self-selection bias.
杜兴强教授主要的研究兴趣早期集中于“财务会计概念框架”及其中具体问题的经济学分析,后期主要转向“资本市场会计与审计问题”领域,曾在《会计研究》、《金融研究》、《中国工业经济》、《审计研究》、《经济管理》、China Journal of Accounting Research(CJAR)等刊物上发表过学术论文多篇,并出版了专著《会计信息的产权问题研究》等。