题目: Connected Party Transactions in Hong Kong andChina
演讲者:Yan-Leung Cheung,Professor of Accounting, Hong Kong Baptist University
时间: 2011年9月15日(星期四)9:30—11:00AM
地点: 嘉庚二501
参加者: 对财务研究有兴趣的广大师生
主持人: 阮军老师
1. “Helping Handor Grabbing Hand? Central vs. Local Downloaded from Government Shareholders in Chinese Listed Firms”, Review of Finance,(2009),1-26.
2. “Buy High,sell Low:How Listed Firms Price Asset Transfers in Related Party Transactions?”, Journalof Banking & Finance, 33(2009),914-924.
3. “Tunneling, Propping, and Expropriation: Evidence from Connected Party Transactions in Hong Kong, Journal of Financial Economics, 82(2006), 343-386.
4. “Tunneling and Propping up: An Analysis of Related Party Transactions by Chinese Listed Companies”, Pacic-Basin Finance Journal, 17(2009)372-393.
Yan-Leung Cheung is dean & Chair professor in School of Business in Hong Kong Baptist University. He got his B.Sc from City University of Hong Kong, and Ph.D from Paris VI and Strathclyde University. His research interests include Corporate Finance, Investment, Financial Market Development.