题 目:The Use of Social Media to Detect Corporate Fraud – A Case Study
报告人:熊 枫 助理教授
主持人:张国清 教授
时 间:2017年4月11日(星期二),15:00-17:30
地 点:厦门大学嘉庚一409室
论文摘要: This study discusses the practice of corporate fraud in today’s business world, including its undesired economic consequences. Using an actual case as an example, this case study illustrates that it is difficult for stakeholders to discover instances of alleged corporate fraud if only traditional media outlets are used. Therefore, this study examines how the use of social media tools, including Twitter, contribute to corporate fraud detection, focusing on fraud that is represented as manipulation of information delivered to stakeholders. This study provides further support for the use of social media platforms for corporate fraud detection.