题 目:星座人格的实证与规范研究
Positive & Normative approach of Horoscope Personality
报告人:张扬 助理教授
主持人:张国清 教授
时 间:2017年6月6日(星期二),15:00-17:30
地 点:厦门大学嘉庚一409室
摘 要:
Horoscope personality theory (HPT) is the fundamental part of Astrology & Psychological Astrology, which is controversially focused by scientific psychologists & astrologers. This theory survived 3000 years’ history, influenced globally, and inspired various great scholars. Even relevant subjects such as linguistics, physics, biology were all well developed, their frontiers are all lead to the problems in HPT. In the name of Chen-jiageng’s school motto: To research advanced knowledge, to elucidate worldwide culture, this seminar will introduce present research result on confirming, disconfirming, explanations and challenges of HPT, and put some notices on expected empirical model or experimental design. On the background of AI development, HPT also enlightens the revolution on normative social research in the future.