我院2018级博士研究生严泽浩论文被JOURNAL OF CORPORATE FINANCE在线发表

发布时间:2020年12月30日 点击数:


近日,厦门大学财务管理与会计研究院2018级博士研究生严泽浩,与厦门大学管理学院吴世农、吴超鹏,波士顿学院Thomas J. Chemmanur,香港理工大学Gang Hu四位教授合作撰写的论文“Transforming the management and governance of private family firms: The role of venture capital”被国际知名财务学期刊Journal of Corporate Finance在线发表。

Journal of Corporate Finance被SSCI收录为JCR一区,近5年期刊影响因子为3.819。





We analyze the role of venture capitalists(VCs) in transforming the management and governance of China’s private familyfirms. We show, causally, that VC-backed family firms are more likely thannon-VC backed family firms to experience departures of family members from topmanagement positions and decreases in the separation between family controlrights and cash-flow rights; these effects are stronger when VCs have greaterequity ownership or board representation. We show that these changes in topmanagement and governance in family firms are associated with higher IPO firmvaluations and better post-IPO long run stock returns.


