Call for Papers
APMAA 2012 Annual Conference
Theme: MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING: the Optimization of Management Control
Xiamen, China
November 14- November 17, 2012
The Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) invites papers and panel session proposals for its 8th (2012) conference. The 8th APMAA Conference, themed “Management Accounting: The Optimization of Management Control System,” is co-organized by the Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) and Xiamen University, China. A PhD Colloquium (on 14 Nov. 2012) will also be held in conjunction with the APMAA 2012 Conference. The events are hosted by the Center for Accounting Studies, Department of Accounting, and Institute for Financial and Accounting Studies, Xiamen University, China. We cordially invite you to attend the conference and Ph.D. Colloquium which will be held on the main campus of Xiamen University from 14 to 17 Nov. 2012.
The 8th annual conference (15-17 Nov. 2012) will address a broad range of topics in management accounting. We encourage papers in the areas listed below; however papers in related fields are also acceptable (See paper submission guidelines in the next section for details). Papers can be qualitative or quantitative in nature.
1. Design and implementation of management accounting systems
2. Theory of management control
3. Optimization of management control
4. Optimization of management accounting report systems
5. Optimization of overall budgeting management
6. Risk management and managerial control
7. Internal report system and incentive institutionalization
8. Performance management and managerial control
9. Strategic management control
10. Management accounting research methods
11. Teaching methods in management accounting and cost accounting
Submission of titles and abstract April 30, 2012
Full paper submission. June 15, 2012
Acceptance notification July 31, 2012
Final paper for the Proceedings September 15, 2012
Before 20 October 2012.
Participation Fee:USD 260 (USD 210 Registration Fee and USD 50 membership fee)
Student Registration Fee USD160 (Membership fee is waived fully.)
On site payment: USD 310 (full payments upon arrival ) Student fee USD 180)
On site payment by CASH or by Credit Card
Participation Fee be paid before 20 October 2012